Leading Change for

Business Agility Conference

February 2023

Thank you for attending! View the recordings and learn more about ways to continue the conversation.

Coaching for High Impact: Stories of Challenging Convention to Create Change.

-Ahmed Sidky, Keynote Speaker

 Ready to take your coaching to the next level? Hear stories of bold interventions that spark lasting change.

Speakers: Round 1

Bridge the Divide: Being the Glue that Makes Change Stick

As Agilist leaders, part of our job is to strengthen the integration points within the system of systems that is the organization.

Stance Dance: A Dance Lesson for Your Facilitated Meetings

Learn how to change and design different coaching stances in advance to bring more value to a facilitation.

Being Janus: The Two-Faced God

Learn how to leverage self-as-instrument in systems work in the dance with change.

Speaker Panel

Danielle Kellog, Kimmo Hakonen and Suzanne Doyle discuss audience questions during our first panel discussion. 

Speakers: Round 2

Shut up and Listen! Help Clients Tap into Their Small Voice

Experience the power of using a guided immersive experience that takes clients deeper than the surface level.

Walking Your Talk: Our Experiment in Creating Collaboration in Our System

Based on our own experience, creating performing teams at any level requires intention, attention, and prioritizing working on “we” just like we would work on a priority 1 commitment to customer.

Polylabor: Navigating Consent and Agency in the Ways we Work

Hear about what a humanistic-minded, ethical business model could look like and its benefits to the organization.

Speaker Panel

Trey Henderson, Kay Harper and Jessica Katz discuss audience questions during our second panel discussion. 


Leading Coaches and Coaching Leaders: the Future of the ICE Journey

-Shannon Ewan, Closing Speaker

 Ten years in, we harness the power of our learnings and high-impact moments as we look forward to the opportunities ahead.

Continue Your Journey

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Enroll in an Accredited Program

Interested in enrolling in an accredited expert program? Check out upcoming programs to become an expert in Agile Team Coaching or Enterprise Coaching

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Offer ICAgile-Accredited Programs

Learn about ICAgile Membership for training providers and enterprise organizations.

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Resource Library 

Read the latest agile thought leadership on coaching, leadership, and much more in our resource library!


I took the coaching one and fell in love! It was awesome, you just don't know. It changed my life. When an organization has an ICAgile Expert on their team, they have the real deal. Louria Lindauer, ICE-AC
This isn't a simple certification this really is about exploring and learning about yourself - that way you can bring all of that wonderful magic to everybody else. Yogita Dhond, ICE-AC
When someone has an ICE-AC certification, it means that they have demonstrated a level of practice that really shows that they have taken the time to become a well-experienced coach. Rather than simply taking a one or two day course and maybe taking an exam afterwards, that really doesn't demonstrate the level of depth and skillbuilding you get with competency-based certification. Craig Carrington, ICE-AC
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